18-19 Oct 2018 Lugano (Switzerland)


Lugano is a small, liveable city that offers all necessary services in a restricted space. The majority of hotels available to participants are situated within a range of 2 km from the conference centre. Many structures are walking distance from the Congress Centre (Palazzo dei Congressi).

You will find some hotels near Lugano center and Lugano train station designated/suggested for the conference participants. In order to book one of these hotels, please contact (by phone or e-mail) Amiconi consulting, at the following e-mail address: info@amiconiconsulting.ch

Please note that the hotel reservation has to be arranged directly by the participant and that the price of accommodation is not included in the registration fee.

The conference venue is easily accessible with public transport from all the hotels near Lugano center and Lugano train station.

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